Sample Submission
for  14 C AMS

Comprehensive submission guidelines for all samples.

Submission Guidelines
For All Samples

Please adhere to these guidelines for a successful material/sample analysis.


Samples should have enough mass for analysis. Please see list of recommended mass amounts by material type.


Always handle one sample at a time to avoid mix-ups.


If possible, wrap the samples in aluminum foil, then place inside a secondary plastic container. A sealable plastic bag is the typical container used.


Label the secondary container with the sample ID.


Ship the samples along with the Sample Submission Form to the Laboratory Address.


ICA will confirm sample arrival and provide an expected date for delivery of results.

Material Guidelines

Material Type Minimum Mass Recommended
Charcoal 2mg
Wood 5mg
Organic Sediment 1g
Bone 1g
Cremated Bone 2g
Tooth 1 Tooth
Peat 100mg
Plant 10mg
Carbonates 40mg
Ground Water 1L
Other Please Inquire